Bountiful Voluntaryist Community






Do you want to strengthen Bountiful

with voluntary action

(rather than government force)?


We network and cooperate...

shifting power to us locals

(and away from monopolistic politics).


We believe not only that it can be done

but that it will be done eventually

by upcoming generations

who have more opportunities

(thanks to their ancestors)

and who have a broader worldview

(thanks to the internet).


Let's learn & grow & have fun doing it. :-)





We meet in person each Saturday morning


This Year's Weekly Reports

Google Calendar

Email us. (... and/or subscribe to weekly/monthly/yearly emails.)

Our Initiatives



Cryptocurrencies (Get some from us to start.)


Wireless & Mesh Networking (Connect now.)


Neighborhood Cleanups (Join our activities.)


Gun Safety & Training (Sounds fun, right?)


Funding for Education (Bypass feds.)


Farmer's Market (Find others & use crypto.)


Emergency Response (Eg. Cell 411)


Energy (Eg. solar)


Welfare (Eg. Lift Houses, medical care)




Other Interests

Other Local Initiatives

(not with taxes)











Emergency Preparedness




















Global Examples

(not with taxes)





Health Care






Family Health

















“We need lawmakers to keep order!”

Would you suddenly go crazy if politicians stopped making laws?

Actually, communities would return to voluntary councils and moot courts where all who cooperate would support the judgments and those who don't would be dealt with in social ways: ostracism, lack of protection and support, and removal if necessary. There are many creative, humane ways to solve problems that we overlook because we call on someone else to declare things "illegal" and then enforce it with financial punishment, guns, and jail cells.

“Our environment would be trashed!”

Couldn't we protect it better without large, lobbying corporations?

It's true that we would have to participate more in managing the resources that we care about, and different communities would have to build different agreements. People have done this all throughout history, even as recently as the pioneers of the American frontier.  Note that large-scale exploitation is only possible with the protection of large governments.

“Who would build the roads?!”

Are the roads so much harder to build than airplanes?

It's possible that it would be more expensive to travel on and maintain our roads. But think of the trade-offs when you give someone absolute power over building all roads, authorizing plants and foods, and printing all money, etc etc.

“Those solutions are all inefficient!”

Ah, that is  true.

Without force, we would spend more time negotiating and solving problems, together. And we won't get to Mars for a while! We Americans may lose some of our large-scale accomplishments  and even comforts. So that's the choice: a world of increasing humanity and cooperation vs our world of warfare and domestic domination.


Such a world would value people over institutions, and interactions over possessions. There would be more local influence and less imbalance of power in the sway of large institutions. We would have to spend more time working with our neighbors and less time watching TV; but then we would have deeper connections and fewer disconnected and meaningless jobs, with more time for creativity and less time working for someone else.


Help make the transition as smooth as possible!

Philosophy, References





Internet - Center for a Stateless Society


Diagram of The Obviousness of Anarchy






Markets Not Capitalism



Everything Voluntary: From Politics to Parenting